My order was canceled

If you have recently placed an order and received a cancellation email regarding your order, we sincerely apologize. Order cancellations typically occur due to one of the following reasons:

  1. The item(s) sold out
  2. We are unable to verify your billing information and/or your billing address does not match the credit card on file for the order. (Please keep in mind we do this to protect our customers!)

Should you receive an order cancellation email, you will receive a refund via your original form of payment within 7-10 business days. This timeframe will be dependent upon your bank.

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My Bag

I18n Error: Missing interpolation value "shipping_type" for "Buy {{ amount_remaining }} more to enjoy {{ shipping_type }} {{ tier }} shipping!"
$ 125.00
Some items in your bag are Final Sale.
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}Unable to preview discount because the following items are out of stock:
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